Please send hate mail to: Flat 11, Pooley House.

Why You might ask? Well, I’ll tell you. Between the hours of 4-8am this morning, the fire alarm went off 5 (yes, count ’em) FIVE times. The Fire Brigade attended three of these early morning evacuations, and one stopped about 10 seconds after starting. Two were back-to-back, meaning I hadn’t even have a chance to get inside before it went off again. Of course the fire brigade had left, so they had to return not even 15 minutes after packing up shop. The alarm at 8am almost(?) seemed rehearsed, though I would venture to say that was the worst time to have a planned fire drill (if the last was planned) because by that point I think many students just stayed in bed! Apparently, every time the alarms went off it was because of someone in Flat 11. The rumors have been circulating (smoking, trying to cook, etc.), but I think they should have known better after, say, the first time?! If, indeed, all of these alarms were due to people in Flat 11, it is my firm belief they should be tarred and feathered, and submitted to a raucous game of ding-dong-ditch for the remainder of their days here, which after all of the hullabaloo last night, I would put in the single-digits.

Apart from those RUDE awakenings, school-type stuff has been alright. Apparently, school doesn’t even start until next Monday, September 23. I find it a little absurd to have over a week here without classes in session, but I suppose it’s good for freshers trying to navigate the university system for the first time. Also for international students, trying to navigate the confusing labyrinth of the British University System! My first term classes are set in stone, but I am still working on sorting out two of my classes for term 2. These two biology classes I had initially been denied entry into, but with no clear reason, so I am currently working with the study abroad liaison in the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences program to sort out why that is. And, if I get into those two classes, I need to drop The Universe. This is a shame, but I feel that I should be taking advantage of courses more oriented toward my intended career path than electives I find interesting! Not sure what I would add to my schedule in lieu of The Universe yet, that’s a pretty big black hole to fill! (da dum tissss)

Well, food here is expensive, which was a given. Also, my pictures keep falling off the wall. 😦 But I do get to attend a welcome to the History department (for my British Horror class) tonight, with FREE FOOD! There is also the Fresher’s Fair tomorrow, essentially an involvement fair encouraging Fresher’s to join stuff and handing out free pens and such. Seizing opportunities, seizing free stuff.

Once again, hate mail, Flat 11. As much as I would love happy mail from everyone, my sleep deprived self is feeling mischievous and hoping to shame Flat 11 for probably a total of 3 hours/sleep per person last night, with about 350 students likely in their rooms, Flat 11 is responsible for a total of 1,050 lost hours of sleep. make them pay.

I’m sure when I’m better rested I’ll post on a lighter note, so please do look out for that! 🙂

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